Try MixRank Professional, *COMPLETELY FREE* for 1 month!!
Why this is a pretty big deal:
How to Uncover Competitior Designs with MixRank.
Sometimes you just plain NEED to know what is up with your competitors- and that is what you get here, with Mixrank.
At a $67.00 value, you get to find out what is up with other team, with no cost to you, for one whole month!
In this great deal you will get the following:
-Access data for specific ads.
-Spy on competitors' landing pages.
-Monitor landing page split tests.
-Unlimited data export.
-Top 10,000 advertiser directory.
-Track individual ads.
-Download banner ads.
-View all ads running on a publisher.
-Export text ads by advertiser.
-Export traffic sources by advertiser.
-Export text ads by publisher.
MixRank is a search engine for contextual and display ads. With MixRank you can see what banner ads your competitors are running and what landing pages these advertisers are testing. The data includes over 275,000 advertisers who are running over 2.5 million unique as. You can use MixRank to watch your competitors spend money testing different banner ads and landing pages, see which ones worked best, and use that data to build your own designs.